A Leader Worth Following
“Chris has done an amazing job providing a different perspective that I can use at work and with my team. This has also encouraged me to follow the 3 components more closely and to keep myself accountable”
This is a true statement. At the end of the day how your organization goes over the next few years will be driven by the leaders on the team. Are they good at what they do? Can they influence others to bring out their greatness? If you have great leaders, it is highly likely your organization will navigate whatever challenges come your way and thrive. If you have poor leaders, you are likely to flounder or fail.
There are plenty of books and articles that give techniques and tips for being a great leader. Usually those things are focused on behaviors that anyone can implement to influence other people on the team and get them to perform at a high level. However, a missing piece that is not talked about enough is how we can actually be the kind of people that are worth following. People may have the job title in the organization of team lead or CFO or manager, but at the end of the day people follow people, not job titles. In this talk we will look at the character qualities needed to be people of integrity that are worth following and look at ways we can grow in these qualities.